Commercial Law

Partnership Agreements outline the rights of partners in regard to how labor, expenses, income, liability, decision making, and day-today operations will be shared. The partnership agreement may also include restrictions on transfer, procedure, and valuation to be used if one partner wants to sell-out, and provisions regarding procedures if a partner becomes disabled or dies.

Buy-sell Corporate Agreements outline rights of partners/shareholders if a party wants to sell or if a party becomes disabled or dies.

Lease Agreements in regard to business interests may be used to allow the senior generation to retain ownership and delayor escape capital gains tax, yet transfer day-to-day operations and management responsibilities to children or others.

Renée E. Stein has extensive experience in drafting, negotiating, interpreting and implementing commercial law contracts, commercial and residential lease contracts, and employment contracts, including severance agreements.

    (360) 898-9245 ph
    (360) 898-9250 fax
    P.O. Box 143
    Union, WA 98592
    320 East Dalby Road
    Suite E
    Union, WA 98592