Estate Planning

Estate planning (includes a Will) involves making plans for the transfer of your estate after death as well as directing personal matters during your life time.  Your estate is comprised of all the property that you own at your death and can include cash, life insurance, house, land, retirement, investments, savings and personal effects, ect.

Estate planning has several objectives and goals, including the transfer of assets to beneficiaries and nominating a guardian for your minor children.

The Law Office of Renee E. Stein will work with you to develop a comprehensive estate plan that can address the following issues:

  • Who will take care of my children if my spouse/partner and I pass away?
  • Who will manage the money that I leave for my children and when will my children receive that money? age 18, 21, 30? 
  • Do my spouse /partner and I have adequate life insurance to provide for a loss of income and to provide for our children?
  • Are my assets (e.g., house bank accounts, 401k, IRA, Life insurance, ect.) titled property?
  • Who will make medical decisions for me if I can’t direct the doctors or nurses to do so?
  • Who would make these decisions for me if my spouse/partner was unable to direct my care?
  • Who would handle my finances if I am unable to do so?
  • Who would make these decisions if my spouse/partner was unable to do so?
  • If I was being kept alive by life support and had no reasonable chance of recovery would I want to be kept alive?
    (360) 898-9245 ph
    (360) 898-9250 fax
    P.O. Box 143
    Union, WA 98592
    320 East Dalby Road
    Suite E
    Union, WA 98592